[texhax] Re: Text wrapping

Martin Heller mr_heller at yahoo.dk
Mon Jun 6 13:58:50 CEST 2005

Alberto Vecchiato wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying something which probably LaTeX is not designed for, that is to make 
> text wrap around a particular path.
> It is _not_ the usual wrapping that could be solved by packages like wrapfig,
> floatfig or picins (I carefully read the FAQs). Rather, maybe my problem is
> more complex. I would like to make LaTeX adjust the width of a paragraph for
> each single line so that the margins of the paragraph itself can follow a
> given path, like it can be done with all the WYSIWYG DTP applications of even
> with some word processors.
> Just for example, I could have an oval and typeset some text inside this oval,
> but avoiding any text clipping, as it would result using pstricks. I hope the
> description of the problem is clear enough in spite of my poor English.

Take a look at this showcase example:

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