[texhax] longtables and landscape

Eduardo Klein eklein at usb.ve
Tue Apr 19 15:46:29 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I'm trying to insert in the middle of document a long table (4 pages, 
using supertabular) in a landscape format. I can handle it with the 
pdflscape package but as lscape issues a  \clearpage, a new landscape 
page starts exactly in the place where I put my \begin{landscape} and 
drops the float \begin{table}...\end{table}. The result is that the 
previous page is incomplete, i.e. the text finish before filling up the 
total page length.

Any idea how to handle it? I'm thinking about doing it manually, 
manipulating the final pdf file, but it should be a way to do it  in LaTeX.



Eduardo Klein
Instituto de Tecnología y Ciencias Marinas
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Caracas, Venezuela
ph/fax (58) (212) 906-3416

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