[texhax] Knuth's rules for the indefinite article

Plamen Tanovski pgt at arcor.de
Tue May 4 21:01:11 CEST 2004

Philip TAYLOR wrote:

> one would regard as a Very Good Thing.  When typesetting high-quality
> material, I always suppress line breaks after the indefinite article,
> and in several other fairly well-defined places as well ...

Hmm. So we are back to the question. First, there are plenty places in
texbook.tex, where Knuth *didn't* put `~' after the indefinite
article. And second, neither Chicago Manual of Style, nor Bringhurst
even mention such rule.

IMHO line break after the indefinite article is not bad, because it
makes curios about the rest of the sentence. Of course it makes not
much sense, to make curios of sth. that ends right on the next line.

Best regards,

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