[texhax] question

Axel E. Retif axretif at att.net.mx
Sun Feb 8 21:24:31 CET 2004

On Feb 7, 2004, at 4:37 AM, filip T. wrote:

> I am a Mac OS X Panther user and I wanted to download
> TeX from http://tug.org/i-packages/tex.ii2 using
> i-installer program, but i-installer wrote it could
> not download it because the remote package is being
> updated. Could you tell me when the package will be
> available or if I could download the package from
> another site?

In this page


you can subscribe to the TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List, where Gerben 
Wierda, the hero behind teTeX-TeXLive distribution for Mac OS X through 
i-Installer, posts up-to-date information about  his distribution.

The i-Installer page is


Best regards,


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