[texhax] Vertical spacing.

E. Krishnan ekmath at asianetindia.com
Fri Dec 24 03:06:10 CET 2004

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, Rahul Singh wrote:

> 1.  I have the following theorem environment.
>     This environment puts a vertical space of
>     ".1 in" after a theorem statement.
>     ================================
>     \newenvironment{theorem}[1][Theorem]
>      {\refstepcounter{theorem}
>       \noindent\textbf{\thetheorem \: #1}\quad}
>     {\\*[.1in]}
>     ================================

Since "theorem like" statements often require special typestting, it maybe
metter to use the "\newtheorm" command rather than using the generic
"\newenvironment".  To me, the best option seems to be the "amsthm"
package, which allows infinite (well, almost) variations of typesetting
theorems. This is explained in the new (second) edition of the LaTeX
Companion. The LaTeX Primer by TuGIndia also has a chapter on this
package. It is available at



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