[tex4ht] [bug #618] Incomplete XML Document, domfilter error, truncated build on large file.

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Dec 19 23:23:28 CET 2023

    it should be possible to remove the 2^16 page limit in tex4ht.

Sure, most likely it is possible. And if you want to rearrange the logic
in tex4ht-c.tex / tex4ht.c so it doesn't use the stated postamble value,
patches are welcome :). As I said, it's just not something I think is
crucial enough to spend time on.

    But as I recall, the dvi's generated by tex4ht
    sometimes are not good for dvips anyway. 

Certainly true. My point was merely that it was normal for DVI
processors to use the postamble value, and tex4ht was not doing anything
unusual in that regard. --best, karl.

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