[tex4ht] missing sections and missing last chapter from large build. tex4ht hard limits on number of chapters and sections allowed?

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Fri May 13 17:38:43 CEST 2022

On 5/13/2022 10:14 AM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
> Yes, it seems that there is a hard limit. From tex4ht-sty.tex:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> We want to reduce the number of compilations due to changes. We can't do
> much with sectioning numbers, but we can do quite a lot with labels of
> links. Note that the addresses are made up of file numbers + label numbers.
> We make the children `fix-points' with respect to file numbers, by
> allocating them addresses that are equal to `child-id * 10000'.  We
> make here an assumption that a compilation will not generate more than
> 9999 files.
> \<fix point for file ids at child\><<<
> \gHAdvance\fstf:id |by 10000
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Unfortunately, you didn't include your TeX file in the zip file. But
> you can try to update this variable in a local copy of tex4ht.sty.
> You can copy it to your current directory using (assuming you use bash on WSL):
> $ cp `kpsewhich tex4ht.sty` .
> And change the value on line 3815:
> \gHAdvance\fstf:id  100000
> This uses 100000 instead of 10000, so I hope it is enough. I am not
> sure whether this won't result in different issues, like running out
> of memory. So it needs some testing before I can update TeX4ht
> sources.
> Best regards,
> Michal

Sorry about missing latex files. I just updated the zip file and now there are
all there if you need them:


(I have script I run which cleans the build folder before zipping
and uploading to my webpage and it does this automatically).

I just did the changes you recommended (as root)

>diff tex4ht.sty tex4ht_ORIG.sty
< \gHAdvance\fstf:id  100000
> \gHAdvance\fstf:id  10000

And just started new build with max iteration set at 6 in the make4ht build file.

This will take about 1-2 days to complete.

Will update you once it is done. Hopefully this will fix all these problems
I was having and now all chapters and sections will show up.

Thanks again


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