[tex4ht] [bug #486] Strange error with minted

Michal Hoftich michal.h21 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 21:22:04 CEST 2020

>> I've found that the issue was caused by the Catchfile package. It added quoted
>> file to the list of used files. I've added fix for that.
>Is there a problem in the catchfile package itself?
>At a first glance I didn't see a place where it would add quotes.

It uses the following macro:

\def\CatchFile at CheckFileExists#1{%
     \expandafter\CatchFile at DefFile\@filef at und\@nil
     \expandafter\ifx\csname @addtofilelist\endcsname\relax
       \@addtofilelist\CatchFile at File
     \let\CatchFile at File\relax

The quotes are added in \filef at und, which is set by \IfFileExists.

Best regards,

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