[tex4ht] Too many DVI errors. stack empty at pop command, conficts, bm package, siunitx, dvilualatex

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Fri Jan 1 22:23:58 CET 2016

On 1/1/2016 3:08 PM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
>> Thanks but I am not getting the core dump on my end? TL 2015
>> fresh update.
> That's weird, I have freshly updated TL as well..
>> If you like me to try something else, please let me know.
> I've got the SIGSEGV error also with your sample file

That is strange. We have different setup somewhere?

>> btw, there is new version of dvisvgm by Martin Gieseking just
>> annouced. Current version we are using on TL 2015 is 1.9.2,
>> but the new versio is 1.14  2015-12-28. But TL will not
>> update to new one until TL 2016. So it needs to be manually
>> build for TL 2015 if we to use it now. Binaries only for
>> windows and mac. I might have some bug fixes also.
> Are you using the new version?
> Michal

No. dvisvgm needs to be build from sources for Linux which I
did not do. Still using TL 2015 version. 1.9.2 as is.

Here is screen shot of my terminal, and the log file and the
dvi file here if you like to verify


I am using 64 bit linux mint:

>lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	LinuxMint
Description:	Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela
Release:	17.2
Codename:	rafaela

You might be using different build of dvisvgm, i.e. different OS
and this could cause this difference?



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