[tex4ht] make output of tex4ht go to sub-folder without leaving temporary and intermediate files in the current folder?

Radhakrishnan CV cvr at river-valley.org
Mon Feb 11 12:46:39 CET 2013

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi <nma at 12000.org> wrote:

> Is there a way to tell tex4ht to generate all its output
> into a sub-folder from where the latex file is ?
> Suppose I have this tree
> ----------------
>   foo.tex
>   a.png
> -----------------
> Where inside foo.tex there is includegraphics to a.png
> --- foo.tex ----------
> \documentclass{article}%
> \usepackage{graphics}
> \begin{document}
> \includegraphics{a.png}
> \end{document}
> -------------------------
> Now I want to build HTML file from foo.tex but want all
> the intermediate and any auxiliary files tex4ht generated
> (including any html files) to go to a sub-folder, say A/, so
> I'd _LIKE_ to end up with
> -----------------------------
>   foo.tex
>   a.png
>     +
>     |
>     A/---- foo.htm
>            foo.xref
>            foo.tmp
>            etc.....
>            a.png
>            ------------------------------**--
> I use the option
>    htlatex foo.tex "" "" -dA/
> But it still leaves many many files in the same folder, and
> it only copies foo.htm and a.png to the sub-folder.

True, aux and other scratch files still remain in your working directory.
In order to move all files to your target directory, you need to provide
\Needs{} directive in your source document. For example, I will modify your
example document to the following manner:

--- foo-changed.tex ----------



\Needs{"find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -not -name \jobname.tex
-exec mv '{}' A \string\; "}


\Needs{...} directive is operating system dependent. The one I have given
above is for bash in linux or unix like operating systems.  You might
provide the one fit for your OS.

River Valley<https://maps.google.com/maps?q=River%20Valley,%20Thiruvananthapuram%20Neyyardam%20Road,%20Kerala,%20India&vector=1>
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