[tex4ht] tex4ht: how to do block quotations

Irshad Alam mim786 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 06:55:00 CEST 2010

dear radhakrishnan:

ThANks for your help. Its working, I can convert the files to html following
your directions.

Let me recapitulate what I did: 1. I put \usepackage (Tex4ht) in the
pre-amble of a.tex 2. then ran "htlatex a" from the command prompt 3. then
viewed the a.html file, in my case, using my IDE Kile

Now I've a new question, how to translate the \emph or \textit? because when
I run latex the DVI file does show it emphasized but the html file is NOT

Im running Linux Ubuntu using the IDE Kile

my sample file is



What to do when one seeks to follow the sufi path and reach God? One may
learn from the personal experience of the Mujaddid. He writes in his
monograph \textit{Mabda' va Ma`ad}\index{books!\emph{Mabda' va Ma`ad}}
about how he started his own sufi journey.
When I experienced the desire for this path, divine grace (\textit{ilahi})
(SWT) took
me to a caliph of the family of the \textit{khwaja} hazrats (qaf). It is
from there
that I attained the tariqa of these masters and I clung to his
companionship. [Mabda' 1, 3.1-4]\index{Naqshbandi tariqa!Mujaddid starts}
Yes! In order to attain Allah, one must attain the companionship of an
authorized deputy or \textit{khalifa} of any of the sufi tariqas and learn
from him.


when I LATEX it and view the DVI file, yes those words are italicised, but
when I htlatex it and view the html file, none is italicised.

so how to get it italicised in html?

Irshad Alam
Khadim (servant) of Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Sufi Tariqa
Author of books on-Translations/Notes from the Maktubat-i Imam-i Rabbani,
Rumi poems, Muinuddin Chishti sufi poems
Berkeley, California

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Radhakrishnan CV <cvr at river-valley.org>wrote:

> On 20-Sep-2010, at 8:43 AM, Irshad Alam wrote:
> > what to do so that the block quotations are translated properly in html,
> when I convert my
> > latex files into html files via tex4ht package? My ultimate purpose is to
> make them
> > into Kindle ebooks from the html. Pls note that Im a non-techie and the
> books are
> > simple non-math, non-science books on spirituality.
> [...]
> > Then I latex it and the DVI file is correct.
> >
> > Then i tex4ht it and then the middle paragraph is not indented as a
> quotation. and thats the problem.
> >
> > HTLATEX-ing the files is not an option because although this sample file
> is simple,
> > the actual file that Ill be working with is very complex and htlatex does
> not work there.
> If you do not want to use htlatex, then you might follow the following
> path:
> latex <file>
> latex <file>
> latex <file>
> tex4ht <file>
> t4ht   <file>
> Open your file.html in a browser and see for yourself.  htlatex does all
> the above processes in one go.
> Best
> --
> Radhakrishnan
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