ConTeXt setup in TeX Live
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at
Sun Mar 24 21:30:22 CET 2024
The following problem arose earlier today on the lucida list.
Having installed the Lucida OpenType fonts in TEXMFLOCAL, having installed the files
also in TEXMFLOCAL, having initialized the ConTeXt setup in TeX Live 2024 with
mtxrun --generate
mtxrun --script fonts --reload
then when applying context to a file containing
This is a test
no Lucida fonts are used, only Latin Modern.
Looking closer,
mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern='*lucida*'
finds nothing. Actually, inspecting the cache
it appears none of the fonts from TEXMFLOCAL are listed there.
On the other hand, installing ConTeXt in ~/context using the install script from
installing the Lucida fonts into ~/context/tex/texmf-fonts/, setting PATH (on an Apple Silicon Mac) such that ~/context/tex/texmf-osx-arm64/bin comes at the beginning, and running again
mtxrun --generate
mtxrun --script fonts --reload
then afterwards
% mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern='*lucida*'
identifier familyname fontname filename subfont instances
lucidablackletterot lucidablackletterot lucidablackletterot LucidaBlackletterOT.otf
lucidablackletterotblack lucidablackletterot lucidablackletterot LucidaBlackletterOT.otf
lucidablackletterotregular lucidablackletterot lucidablackletterot LucidaBlackletterOT.otf
lucidabrightmathot lucidabrightmathot lucidabrightmathot LucidaBrightMathOT.otf
lucidabrightmathotdemibold lucidabrightmathot lucidabrightmathotdemibold LucidaBrightMathOT-Demi.otf
lucidabrightmathotnormal lucidabrightmathot lucidabrightmathot LucidaBrightMathOT.otf
lucidabrightmathotregular lucidabrightmathot lucidabrightmathot LucidaBrightMathOT.otf
lucidabrightot lucidabrightot lucidabrightot LucidaBrightOT.otf
lucidabrightotdemibold lucidabrightot lucidabrightotdemibold LucidaBrightOT-Demi.otf
lucidabrightotdemibolditalic lucidabrightot lucidabrightotdemibolditalic LucidaBrightOT-DemiItalic.otf
lucidabrightotitalic lucidabrightot lucidabrightotitalic LucidaBrightOT-Italic.otf
lucidabrightotnormal lucidabrightot lucidabrightotitalic LucidaBrightOT-Italic.otf
lucidabrightotregular lucidabrightot lucidabrightot LucidaBrightOT.otf
and the test file above uses Lucida Bright OT as expected.
Is ConTeXt, as packaged in TeX Live 2024, supposed to look for fonts inside TEXMFLOCAL? Based on /usr/local/texlive/2024/texmf-dist/web2c/texmfcnf.lua, which contains
OPENTYPEFONTS = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,opentype}//;$OSFONTDIR",
it would seem yes. But apparently not.
I'm no ConTeXt user myself, I just looked at this to help the user who reported the problem, so I really can't say. I looked for an invocation of mtxrun, similar to "kpsewhich --show-path=.otf", which would say where ConTeXt looks for OpenType fonts, but I could not find any.
Bruno Voisin
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