A problem with non-standard package and document syles in latex

Gabor Urban urbangabo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 05:39:28 CEST 2024

Hi guys,

I have installed TexLive a couple of weeks ago on a Win11 laptop. I
was using MikTeX befora but the repo is not working now, so I could
not get it running... I am very happy with this  change.

On the other hand I have a problem. Being a go player I typeset some
diagrams of the game. There is a very good package to do this, named
igo. It can be found on CTAN. The package was designed to be installed
on MikTeX. The package consists of an .sty file for the  typesetting
of diagrams and a given number of Metafont files.

1. The STY was copied to the local texmf directory, on my machine:

2. The .mf (Metafont) files are copied to:

3. I updated the filename database using the package manager shell.

AT this moment it seemed to be ok. The first part of the problem was
done (at the moment).

Here comes the interesting issue: my files were quite old using the
latex documentstyle command:

\documentstyle[11pt,igo, babel, magyar]{article}

Checking the log the package igo was loaded, but the processing of
babel was not perfect. Cutout from the log:


++++++++++++ igo.sty - January 2007 - 0.62 +++++++++++
+ A TeX package to manipulate Go games and positions +

Loading loop macro, version 0.93a

\bbl at readstream=\read2
\bbl at dirlevel=\count276

Language: magyar 2019/01/14 v1.5c Magyar (Hungarian) support for babel
Package babel Info: Making ` an active character on input line 2819.
\c at footnote@add=\count277
\c at footnote@ch=\count278
! Undefined control sequence.
\bbl at vforeach ...cmd ##1{#2}\bbl at fornext #1,\@nil

Since this was deprecated I decided to switch to documentclass in the
hope this will be solved:



According to the log the package babel is loaded correctly, but the
package igo is not loaded at all. Latex did not even search for it.

What may be the solution?

Thank in advance,

Urbán Gábor

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