[prestest] Message about path not found (windows)

Uwe Siart usenet at siart.de
Sat Mar 4 08:43:23 CET 2023

Since two days or so I keep getting a message about a path that is not
found by the system. It appears between mktexlsr and updmap-sys, like
this (marked by *):

C:\>tlmgr update --all
tlmgr.pl: package repository ftp://ftp.cstug.cz/pub/local/tlpretest (not verified: pubkey missing)
[ 1/15, ??:??/??:??] update: luahbtex.windows [1874k] (66313 -> 66339) ... done
[ 2/15, 00:02/00:40] update: luajittex.windows [3782k] (66313 -> 66339) ... done
[14/15, 00:41/00:41] auto-install: uvaletter (66330) [122k] ... done
[15/15, 00:43/00:43] update: collection-publishers [2k] (65789 -> 66330) ... done
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.  (*)
running updmap-sys ...
done running updmap-sys.
regenerating fmtutil.cnf in C:/Programme1/texlive/2023/texmf-dist
running fmtutil-sys --byengine luajittex --no-error-if-no-format --no-error-if-no-engine=luametatex,luajithbtex,luajittex,mfluajit --status-file=C:\Users\siart\AppData\Local\Temp\gAShHbh0Oo\2H4e_zrZUd ...
  OK: luajittex.fmt/luajittex

It does no harm. Everything seems to work correct, though.


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