Ubuntu offerring TL updates
Yvon Henel
yvon.henel at yvon-henel.fr
Sat Jun 3 08:02:29 CEST 2023
Le 03/06/2023 à 07:41, Paulo Ney DE SOUZA a écrit :
> What does it mean when you install TL 2023 from TUG, and then, all of a
> sudden, Ubuntu starts offering Security Updates for it?
If you have installed the TL2023 in its own directory, the update will
concern only the TL (subset) which is used internally by Ubuntu.
> Should one take it???
At home, the TeXlive I've installed lives in a subdirectory of my home
(sort of). I've applied the upgrade with no problems.
I've just tried:
$ sudo whereis tex
The answer is: tex: /usr/bin/tex /usr/share/man/man1/tex.1.gz
$ whereis tex
tex: /usr/bin/tex /mnt/donnees3/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux/tex
Yvon Henel
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