Build one package and turn it into a standard TeX Live package file installable with `tlmgr install --file`

Sergio Callegari sergio.callegari at
Tue Nov 29 17:34:01 CET 2022

Karl Berry wrote

> Sergio - lacking any other solution, maybe the simplest way for you to
> be able to proceed with your work is to build a patched dvisvgm from the
> TL source.

Thanks for the link, looks promising!

I have tried to go through the documentation and I still miss a few 
pieces. From the steps described in that document, I understand that the 
build process will give me a /tree/ (the tree in the build directory).

- Is it possible to `make install` a single package?

- How will `tlmgr` deal with something installed in this way? Can this 
lead to trouble in the long time?

- Is it possible to make a standard TeX Live package file (with 
contained tlpobj file) that I can pass to other people and that can be 
installed via `tlmgr install --file`?

Thanks for any further pointer,


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