CLI completion: lualatex ≠ pdflatex and xelatex

Jim Diamond JimDiamond at
Fri Nov 4 21:37:55 CET 2022

Hi Denis,

I am running Slackware64 15.0, and I see the same problem (except I
use tex, not latex).

In my case, the file /usr/share/zsh/5.8/functions/_tex starts with
        #compdef tex latex slitex pdftex pdflatex jadetex pdfjadetex xetex=tex xelatex=latex latexmk

and I notice that if I remove the '=tex' from 'xetex=tex' and start up
a new zsh, all is good.

I think this is a zsh issue/bug, not a texlive issue.


On Fri, Nov  4, 2022 at 20:43 (+0100), Denis Bitouzé wrote:

> Hi,

> Context:

> - Mageia 8 GNU/Linux box,
> - Vanilla TeX Live installation,
> - zsh as a Unix shell.

> Is there any reason for the command line completion to behave
> differently in one hand for `pdflatex` and `xelatex` and in the other
> hand for `lualatex`. Namely, for a (single) `test.tex` file (with
> several `test.*` auxiliary files) in the current directory:

> 1. `pdflatex tes + TAB` is completed into `pdflatex test.tex`,
> 2. `xelatex tes + TAB` is completed into `xelatex test.tex`
> 3. `lualatex tes + TAB` is completed into `lualatex test.`,
> and
>    `lualatex test. + TAB` proposes all the `test.*` files present in the
> current directory.

> Thanks.
> --
> Denis

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