beamer and inputenc (utf8x) issue
Ulrike Fischer
news3 at
Thu Jun 30 15:16:04 CEST 2022
Am Thu, 30 Jun 2022 15:09:51 +0200 (CEST) schrieb Walter Cazzola:
> Dear TeX-perts,
> I'm using TeX live 2022 with a full and up-to-date installation on a linux
> box.
> Recently the combination between beamer and inputenc gives an error
> ! Argument of � has an extra }.
> <inserted text>
> \par
> l.5 \begin{document}
> ?
> Runaway argument?
> ! Paragraph ended before � was complete.
> <to be read again>
> \par
> l.5 \begin{document}
> and pdflatex gives up on generating the output.
> This is a minimal example showing the issue:
> \documentclass[a4paper]{beamer}
> \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
> \begin{document}
> \end{document}
> The example is so minimal than this sounds as a bug to me but maybe I'm still
> doing something wrong. Attached you have the corresponding log file.
> I know that the usage of utf8x is discouraged but this seems a bug that to
> some extends could impede its use also when is the only option.
I wrote the maintainer of ucs some weeks ago and told them what they
must do if they want to stay compatible with the changes in hyperref
(which followed changes in the utf8 handling in latex).
My advice is: don't to use utf8x/ucs anymore if it doesn't get
updated. It doesn't support the various improvement which have be
done in the utf8 handling in latex, for example you can't load files
with umlauts or use umlauts in \label with it.
See also
Ulrike Fischer
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