Indexing fonts

Karl Berry karl at
Sat Dec 17 22:33:07 CET 2022

    Running fc-cache does not affect LuaLaTeX in any way since luaotfload
    does not use fontconfig.

Good to know, thanks. I'll see if I can update the TL manual
and tug web pages.

    For LuaLaTeX the font should be immediately usable. 

That was my understanding as well, and it does indeed work when given the
(unguessable by mere mortals IMHO) font name:
\setmainfont{Accanthis ADF Std No3}

It also works when given the filenames, so yay for that.

It doesn't work with \setmainfont{Accanthis}, which was Peter's original
wish, but this is not surprising. 

Thanks Marcel. -k

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