An issue with current TeXLive (scrartcl?)

Angelo Graziosi angelo.g0 at
Thu Aug 4 14:22:02 CEST 2022

After updating TeXLive, the following STC, created from a more complex document, does not build any more:

$ cat test.tex

\newcommand{\RomanNumeralCaps}[1]{\MakeUppercase{\romannumeral #1}}

hello! \RomanNumeralCaps{5}

$ pdflatex test.tex
Document Class: scrartcl 2022/07/04 v3.37 KOMA-Script document class (article)
No file test.aux.

Here it hangs. After CTRL-C it prints:

\__text_expand_loop:w ..._text_expand_space:w }}#1
l.8 hello! \RomanNumeralCaps{5}


Changing the newcommand to


it builds. The last time I have built the full document was on may 31, 2022 (about two months ago).

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