fixed columns in math mode

Hartmut Henkel hartmut_henkel at
Fri Sep 10 14:57:09 CEST 2021

Hi Karl,

On Fri, 10 Sep 2021, karl at wrote:

> Any ideas how to solve the problem below or how to find a nicer
> solution ?
> I'm trying to write some text with formulas interspaced with comments,
> but i want to have the equalsign (or something else) and possible some
> if's (at right) at the same "columns" in the text.

only partial way forward, dirty: You could hijack the equation number,
since it's flush right, hopfefully not interfering with the formula
stuff, e. g. principally like this:

%\def\@eqnnum{{\normalfont \normalcolor (\theequation)}}
\def\noetxt{\def\@eqnnum{{\normalfont \normalcolor (\theequation)}}}
 x & = & \sin(u) \etxt{bar}\\
 y & = & \cos(u) \etxt{foo}
 x & = & \sin(u) \\
 y & = & \cos(u)

Then you could style the \etxt macro for some fixed widths fitting the
items that should go there...

Best Regards, Hartmut

> See e.g. page 11 and 14 of the current result:
> with source in:
> ///
> Is there any \makebox-like thing that works in math mode so I can set the
> contents width, or rather where the next thing will land ?
> ///
> I have tried with the array, IEEEeqnarray and some other environments
> but they didn't do what I wanted so I came up with
> \newcommand*{\eqnline}[4]{%
> \makebox[\widthA]{$\hfill\displaystyle{#1}$}%
> {$\:\displaystyle{#2}\:$}%
> \makebox[\widthB]{$\displaystyle{#3}$\hfill }%
> $\displaystyle{#4}$%
> }
> That way I can have
> . the "=" and the if's (#2, #4) at the same position
> . the "between" equations text at left, just where ordinary text is
> . page breaks can happen between equation lines just as it does for
>   ordinary text
> There is a problem with this, since the line ends doesn't know about
> \displaystyle{} (my guess), so I have to add \\[1ex] and similar.
> ///
> And I cannot figure out how to make a macro of
> \makebox[\widthA]{$\hfill\displaystyle{\max i_L}$}%
> {$\:\displaystyle{=}\:$}%
> {$\left\{
> \begin{array}{l}
> %\makebox[\widthB]{$\displaystyle{A}$\hfill }deldrift\\[1ex]
> \text{\makebox[\widthC]{$\displaystyle{- I_B P_B}$\hfill }deldrift}\\[1ex]
> \text{\makebox[\widthC]{$\displaystyle{- I_{LPP}}$\hfill }gränsdrift}\\[1ex]
> \text{\makebox[\widthC]{$\displaystyle{- \frac{I_{LPP}}{2} + \frac{-I_{ut}}{P_B}}$\hfill }heldrift}\\[1ex]
> \end{array}
> \right.$}\\[1ex]
> I.e. something similar to:
> \begin{equation*}
>  |x| =
>  \begin{cases}
>    -x & \text{if } x < 0,\\
>     0 & \text{if } x = 0,\\
>     x & \text{if } x > 0.
>  \end{cases}
> \end{equation*}
> Regards,
> /Karl Hammar

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