Microtype failure

Ettore Aldrovandi ealdrov at mail.math.fsu.edu
Thu Dec 9 14:51:37 CET 2021


I have been having problems with the microtype package after a recent update.  It fails with

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \z 
l.9 \begin{abstract}

on the following (hopefully minimal) example:

\title{A test}

Not loading microtype produces no error. It seems (at least to me) the last working version of microtype in TeXLive was 60913. What is the most appropriate venue to report this?


Ettore Aldrovandi
Department of Mathematics, Florida State University
1017 Academic Way                *   http://www.math.fsu.edu/~ealdrov
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4510, USA * * aldrovandi at math dot fsu dot edu

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