ANN: First Packaging Conference: 9 & 10 November 2021: Submissions close 31 August
Norbert Preining
norbert at
Wed Aug 11 01:51:18 CEST 2021
Thanks Jonathan
After returning from my camping trip I'll try to remember to submit a talk. There are too many things I can talk about, probably submitting two talks ..
Fujitsu + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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Aug 10, 2021 21:47:20 Jonathan Fine <jfine2358 at>:
> Hi
> From the web page
> ===
> Software complexity is on the rise, but thanks to package managers, reusing software is easier than it’s ever been. In 2021, nearly every operating system, language ecosystem, and framework has a package manager or several. Package managers take over where your compiler left off; integrating different versions of packages and ensuring they can be installed safely, reliably, and in a compatible configuration on your system. Where compilers integrate large applications, package managers integrate software ecosystems.
> ===
> Some topics of interest for the conference are:
> * Package management vs dependency management
> * Reproducibility in package managers
> * Reliability/robustness of software ecosystems
> * Dependency solving: modeling, methods, and scalability
> I hope some TeX Live maintainers will attend, and perhaps even speak. The conference is 9 & 10 November, and submissions close 31 August. They're looking for 20 minutes + 10 minute Q+A talks. All talks will be held live via video chat. There are also 2 minute lightning talks (perhaps for the TikTok generation).
> The conference is organised in conjunction with, who sponsor many projects including MathJax (see
> I learnt about the conference at
> best regards
> Jonathan
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