Concerning problems with updates from mirror.ctan

Denis Bitouzé denis.bitouze at
Wed Apr 21 10:49:27 CEST 2021

Le 21/04/21 à 08h35, Norbert Preining a écrit :

> Denis and Henri: I guess you haven't updated to today's texlive.infra
> by now, which could (I cannot check now) explain the problem.
> Can you send me the output of    tlmgr version -v

  │ ╭─root at drums-bis /home/bitouze  
  │ ╰─➤  tlmgr version -v                                                                                                                                                                                         1 ↵
  │ tlmgr revision 57970 (2021-02-27 15:17:34 +0100)
  │ tlmgr using installation: /usr/local/texlive/2021
  │ TeX Live ( version 2021
  │ Revisions of TeXLive:: modules:
  │ TLConfig: 57875
  │ TLUtils:  58139
  │ TLPOBJ:   58384
  │ TLPDB:    55126
  │ TLPaper:  56397
  │ TLWinGoo: 58811

> Then, please select a mirror manually via --repository ... (Not using
> the multiplexer) and update texlive.infra.

Sorry, I updated the whole:

  │ ╭─root at drums-bis /home/bitouze  
  │ ╰─➤  tail -n20 /usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
  │ [Mon Apr 19 07:19:16 2021] update: collection-latexextra (58877 -> 58907)
  │ [Mon Apr 19 07:19:17 2021] update: collection-publishers (57312 -> 58910)
  │ [Tue Apr 20 14:26:13 2021] update: optex (58515 -> 58920)
  │ [Tue Apr 20 14:26:17 2021] update: texlive-docindex (58900 -> 58913)
  │ [Tue Apr 20 14:26:19 2021] failed update: texlive-scripts (58891 -> 58913)
  │ [Tue Apr 20 14:26:20 2021] restore: texlive-scripts (58891)
  │ [Tue Apr 20 14:26:24 2021] auto-install new: byo-twemojis (58917)
  │ [Tue Apr 20 14:26:27 2021] update: collection-pictures (58759 -> 58917)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 07:37:25 2021] update: texlive-scripts (58891 -> 58913)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:40 2021] update: texlive.infra (58811 -> 58931)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:43 2021] update: biblatex-philosophy (56493 -> 58925)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:44 2021] update: circuitikz (58757 -> 58923)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:45 2021] update: easybook (58905 -> 58926)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:46 2021] update: luatexko (58085 -> 58928)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:47 2021] update: principia (57902 -> 58927)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:47 2021] update: texlive-docindex (58913 -> 58922)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:48 2021] update: texlive-scripts (58913 -> 58931)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:49 2021] update: xetexko (58840 -> 58929)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:50 2021] auto-install new: worldflags (58924)
  │ [Wed Apr 21 10:44:50 2021] update: collection-pictures (58917 -> 58924)

> After that and with the same https://mirror... as before, it should start working.

Indeed: thanks!


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