How to adjust the $TEXMFCNF variable not to interfere with ConText?

Pablo González L pablgonz at
Mon Sep 21 01:04:56 CEST 2020

> 1) cp texmfcnf.lua from the regular tree to ~/mypath/texmfcnf.lua,
> and see if that makes context happy. (I have no great hope, but maybe.)
> Or:
> 2) Explicitly include both the personal and system directories in
> export TEXMFCNF=~/mypath:/usr/local/texlive/2020:/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/web2c

As you had expected, these two options do not solve the problem :(

> 3) If the goal is to read a tree at ~/mypath, how about simply setting
>    TEXMFHOME to that?
> export TEXMFHOME=~/mypath
>    That seems like it would be the simplest approach.
export TEXMFHOME=~/mypath/myfolder
It's more convenient than what I've been doing up to now (copying under
~/texmf), but I've been having trouble synchronizing my copies with the files in

> One more thing, not a solution, but a further question: what happens if,
> instead of setting auxtrees via tlmgr conf, you do (including the
> trailing comma):
>   export TEXMFAUXTREES=/home/myname/mypath/myfolder/,
> And then don't mess with the TEXMFCNF envvar or texmf.cnf files at all? -k

This line (including the comma) is the key to everything :)
export TEXMFAUXTREES=/home/myname/mypath/myfolder/,

This line (including the comma) is the key to everything :)
As Ulrike Fischer commented in this same thread, since I don't have access to
write in the places where `texmf.cnf` is searched and the only option I had for
to find my local copy was to set TEXMFCNF (which breaks ConText), it's best
not to use `texmf.cnf`.

I have looked at the documentation several times and did not find any examples
with the comma at the end for setting vars.

According to what Reinhard said in this same thread, the texmf.cnf file should
have been the right one to do this task (and not the environment variables),
unfortunately without having write permissions outside my account it's

A question for the future
You could set a default location under "~/" where you look for 'textf.cnf' (and
that does not break ConText)?
In this specific case, the user accounts are all limited (which is good), I
assume that the windows users will have the same inconvenience.

Grateful for the help given, I will contact those in charge of the project to
see if they can make the modification for everyone.

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