kpathsea SELFAUTOLOC is wrong

Ben Smith bensmithmath at
Fri Sep 18 23:31:42 CEST 2020

Hi, I installed texlive 2020 last week on my thinkpad x1 yoga (gen 4)
last week, running arch linux. I used the download script from It successfully installed, but is not working. kpathsea seems
to be looking for files in the wrong place, and can't find texmf.cnf
or latex.fmt or anything. After some digging around I found that
SELFAUTOLOC is set to /usr/bin, but my whole texlive is installed in
/usr/local/texlive. (I get this by running kpsewhich

On my older computer with texlive working, with everything installed
in the same directories, SELFAUTOLOC is
/usr/local/texlive/2020/bin/x86_64-linux. This computer is also
running arch linux, and I installed texlive from the script
three months ago.

It also seems like SELFAUTOPARENT and SELFAUTOGRANDPARENT are wrong.

texmf.cnf says that these variables are generated in
kpathsea/progname.c but I don't seem to have that file to check.

Ben Smith

PS I tried to report a bug following the instructions at but the
address tex-k at was not found.

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