Packaging acrotex with TeX Live
Jason Gross
jgross at
Sun Oct 11 04:08:03 CEST 2020
As I understand it, acrotex is not packaged with TeX Live because it's
believed that proprietary software (Acrobat) is required to generate PDFs
with acrotex. (See
for details.). However, the author of the package told me:
> In acrotex, the only acrobat requirement is with insdljs for users of the
tex to dvi to dvips to distiller/acrobat. For users of pdflatex, lualatex,
and xelatex, distiller/acrobat not required.
So, if this is accurate and I'm understanding the author correctly, none of
the files have a requirement of distiller/acrobat. If this is the case, is
there anything in the way of TeX Live shipping acrotex? (I personally find
eforms quite useful, and don't use Acrobat in my PDF generation pipeline.)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Norbert Preining <preining at>
Date: Sat, Oct 10, 2020, 20:21
Subject: Re: Bug#635834: texlive-latex-extra: dependency problem:
fancytooltips requires acrotex which is not packaged
To: Jason Gross <jgross at>, <635834 at>
On Sat, 10 Oct 2020, Jason Gross wrote:
> So, if this is accurate and I'm understanding the author correctly,
> none of the files have a requirement of distiller/acrobat. If this is
> the case, is there anything in the way of TeX Live / Debian shipping
> all of acrotex?
Might be, if you think so, please discuss with upstream at
texlive at and see whether you can convince the team there, in
particular Karl Berry, who is the guardian of what is going into TL.
Other option is that someone picks up acrotex and packages it separately
for Debian, shouldn't be too difficult (since tlmgr ready repackaging is
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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