pgf-pie package

Karl Berry karl at
Fri May 22 00:47:25 CEST 2020

    Please take a look if this is
    good enough.

There's no problem with the MIT license, but it has to be stated in some
file(s) in the package, not just on ancillary web pages.

    If it isn't sufficient for Karl, I'll try to reach the author to ask him
    to mention the license in one of the package's files.

That would be great. Let me know how it goes.

FYI ... I've found that when asking things like this, it helps to say
"If you're fine with the change but don't have time to make a new
release, I'll upload the new version to CTAN for you." Waiting around
for authors to make such changes is, in my experience, usually a waste
of time. --best, karl.

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