[EXT] Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] tl2020 pretest begin (action `platform' not supported on Windows)

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Mar 9 16:46:49 CET 2020

Siep Kroonenberg wrote:

>> It would seem "yes, it [or perhaps something else] does cause problems".  On
>> asking it to "Update all", I was told :
> Try again tomorrow.

How will this help, Siep ?  If I cannot perform an "Update all" today, 
how will I be able to perform an "Update all" tomorrow, since by 
definition I will be using exactly the same instantiation of the TeX 
Live manager as I am using today (because I cannot update it) ? Or is 
the suggestion that if I re-r-synch tomorrow, my local repository will 
then be more acceptable to the current TeX Live manager than it is today 
? And if the latter is the case, what is the problem with today's copy ?

/Philip Taylor/
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