ePiX package missing

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Thu Jun 11 18:16:07 CEST 2020

On 11/06/2020 17:10, Jim Diamond wrote:

> Is it not the case that M$ now provides bash as some available package?
> I was thinking the new Chief Factotum at M$ was more open to embracing
> Linux than Bill G and this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMrhoOHNOrI
> were.

It is (as I learned from David Carlisle earlier today) included in the 
"wsl" /feature/ (not package) which can be optionally added to Windows 
10 and Windows Server 2019 (and possibly to earlier server versions, 
but I have only Server 2019 DCE).  "wsl" is not, as I originally 
thought, "Windows Scripting Language" but rather "Windows sub-system 
for Linux".

> Whether the majority would want to or not is not as certain.  I would
> expect the average M$ user would not want to, but then again, the
> average M$ user has never heard of TeX.  So once you narrow down to M$
> users who use TeX, you have narrowed down to quite a different group
> of people.  In my limited experience, anyway.

I am a fairly average Microsoft user who has known of (and used) TeX 
since the mid-1980s.  I have also heard of Linux and the "Bourne-again 
shell" 'bash', but would not personally wish to install either.

Philip Taylor

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