ePiX package missing

Jim Diamond Jim.Diamond at acadiau.ca
Thu Jun 11 18:10:23 CEST 2020

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 10:08 (+0100), Philip Taylor wrote:

> On 11/06/2020 09:28, Denis Bitouzé wrote:

>> Maybe TL could provide all the stuff except c++ and bash, just as
>> pythontex which needs python, the latter not being provided by TL.

> Windows users can install Python if they wish, Denis; they cannot (and
> almost certainly would not want to) install the so-called Bourne-again
> shell "bash".


Is it not the case that M$ now provides bash as some available package?
I was thinking the new Chief Factotum at M$ was more open to embracing
Linux than Bill G and this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMrhoOHNOrI

Whether the majority would want to or not is not as certain.  I would
expect the average M$ user would not want to, but then again, the
average M$ user has never heard of TeX.  So once you narrow down to M$
users who use TeX, you have narrowed down to quite a different group
of people.  In my limited experience, anyway.


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