Custom File Location

Cousin, Christian cacousin at
Wed Jul 15 20:06:38 CEST 2020

Good afternoon,

Is there any way to store local .bib files anywhere other than in the C:\Users\<username>\texmf directory? I’d like to sync a .bib with other people using the BoxSync software which paths to C:\Users\<username>\Box Sync\

I can subsequently add the path C:\Users\<username>\Box Sync\texmf\ but will need to point TexLive to the Box Sync directory first.

Thanks for all your great work!

Christian A. Cousin
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Alabama<>
Office: 205-348-8076
3011 SERC, Box 870276, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
cacousin at<mailto:cacousin at> |
[The University of Alabama]<>

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