live tex 2020 porblem

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Mon Dec 28 11:09:15 CET 2020

γεώργιος βερόπουλος via tex-live wrote:

> Hi
> i have installed in my  the Texlive 2020  but after months  stop  to 
> working
> i re installed    and when i trying to open a tex file  the program 
> not open
> what happen?

I think we need rather more information, Γεώργιο — what operating 
system, for a start, and what program do you /expect /to open when you 
try to open a TeX file ?  The latter will almost certainly not be TeX 
itself, but more likely a dedicated TeX editor such as TeXworks.
/Philip Taylor/
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