Doc for pkfix-helper

Takuto ASAKURA tkt.asakura at
Wed Apr 22 11:02:14 CEST 2020

Hi Bruno,

excuse me, I didn't realize that this message is about Texdoc.

> I thought this was through a database file associating each package with
> a given doc file. But looking further, this seems to be through a series
> of rules defined in texmf-dist/texdoc/texdoc.cnf

This is partially correct, but not exactly correct. Texdoc has a heuristic
scoring scheme to chose the "best" document for each package. Only for
a few exceptional packages, the distributed texdoc.cnf has rules to adjust
the results.

Anyway, for pkfix-helper, I can surely fix the result in Texdoc side.
However, I'm not sure pkfix-helper.pdf (not pkfix-helper.man1.pdf) is in
TeX Live at the first place. At least, it seems the document is not
registered in the tlpdb database:

	$ tlmgr info --list pkfix-helper
	package:     pkfix-helper

	doc files:
	  texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/README details="Readme"
	  texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/encoding-samples.pdf details="Encoding tables and how to use them"

In case pkfix-helper.pdf does not exist in TeX Live, I can make Texdoc
to show pkfix-helper.man1.pdf as the best result.


> On 2020/04/22, at 6:54, Bruno Voisin via tex-live <tex-live at> wrote:
> Applying texdoc to pkfix-helper, which has just been updated today, one is presented with the content of
> 	texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/encoding-samples.pdf
> This is not the actual documentation, but rather a complement to it, containing for example "(See the pkfix-helper documentation for details.)" on the right column of the front page.
> Based on
> 	texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/README
> and on comparison with
> the documentation seems to be the .pdf man page at
> 	texmf-dist/doc/man/man1/pkfix-helper.man1.pdf
> By the way, this .pdf version of the man page exhibits formatting issues towards the top of p.5 (output of "dvips newfonts.dvi −o" protruding into the right margin and partly cut) which are absent on p. 4 of the preformed .pdf file available on CTAN at
> I don't know how texdoc could be configured to point to the .pdf man page. I thought this was through a database file associating each package with a given doc file. But looking further, this seems to be through a series of rules defined in
> 	texmf-dist/texdoc/texdoc.cnf
> Sorry if these are all trivial issues already discussed on this list: I'm not familiar with texdoc, nor whether this is the proper place to report about it.
> Bruno Voisin

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