Christian Mondrup cmo at icking-music-archive.org
Fri Apr 17 15:34:02 CEST 2020

Den 17.04.2020 kl. 09.43 skrev Colin Baxter:
> Dear Zdenek,
> Thank you for your reply. I think I now understand the situation a
> little better.

So do I. Thank you so much all of you for your thorough answers to my 
main question. I keep my TEXMFHOME and have deleted its ls-R file which 
was most likely created several years ago, long before I started using 

My second question remains unanswered. How can I append to the value of 
an assigned tex conf variable like TEXMFDBS? in case I should need to do so.

Best wishes,--
Christian Mondrup
WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive

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