
Maximilian Nöthe maximilian.noethe at tu-dortmund.de
Tue Oct 22 10:59:14 CEST 2019


The current master of poppler uses C++14, which is now 5 years old.
Compiler support for most of it was already available in gcc 4.9 
(released 2014-04-22), fully supported in 5 (2015-04-22).
Clang 3.4 came out at the beginning of 2014 with full support of c++14.

* Is there a list of OSes that should still be supported?

* When is a decision made to drop old systems?

* Wouldn't it be okay for old systems just to install a compatible older 


On 21.10.19 23:40, Karl Berry wrote:
>      I'm not sure whether the build set up uses
>      the Poppler branch for PDF data retrieval.
> pdftex binaries made for native TL builds use our own libxpdf, not
> poppler.  Distros (unfortunately) use poppler. Poppler is unusable for
> our trying-to-be-widely-usable binaries because developers aggressively
> use new C++ features. -k

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