slow install from local rsynced mirror of pretest 2019

jfbu jfbu at
Tue Mar 5 20:46:06 CET 2019


as usual I installed the 2019 pretest by first rsync'ing
one of the available mirrors to my local disk,

then ./install-tl

To my surprise this second step took 30mns which
is about 3 times more than the same step last
year and the year before on the same computer

Installing [3033/3033, time/total: 32:09/32:09]: zxjatype [142k]
Time used for installing the packages: 32:10
running mktexlsr /usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist ...

This is a not quite complete install but almost

 <C> set installation collections:
     25 collections out of 41, disk space required: 4737 MB

I have in my notes

- for 2018 : 12 minutes
- for 2017 : 13'30''

I am not sure if on same computer but if not, then
it was on a slower one. (with same Mac OS X 10.9.5)

Any clue why suddenly much longer ?

Could it be that installation downloaded files from network
instead of using local mirror ?

I have followed exact same procedure as usual.

The rsyncing was only about 10 minutes (I am on a rather fast internet cable access with this computer)



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