One problem
Zdenek Wagner
zdenek.wagner at
Wed Jun 19 23:16:13 CEST 2019
Понимаю по руццки но отбечу по английски.
As already mentioned by Boris, the luainputenc package is for luatex,
not for pdftex. It most probably reports and error. In addition,
pdftex makes use of 8bit encodings and Type 1 fonts. I cannot
understad how it can ever work in Russian without a fontenc package.
The cmap package then cannot work. On the contrary, both luatex and
XeTeX wotk directly in Unicode and expect input in utf-8. No input
reencoding is needed. And polyglossia is beter than babel because
babel has to solve a lot of character reencoding problems while
polyglossia assumes Unicode. The cmap package is not needed in these
engine because Unicode fonts are used and character extraction is
Try this file, it works in both xelatex and lualatex:
\newfontfamily\russianfont{EB Garamond}[Ligatures=TeX]
\parindent 0mm
Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов
Мне грустно, потому что я тебя люблю, \\
И знаю: молодость цветущую твою \\
Не пощадит молвы коварное гоненье. \\
За каждый светлый день иль сладкое мгновенье \\
Слезами и тоской заплатишь ты судьбе. \\
Мне грустно... потому что весело тебе.
I have created PDF by both engines, opened PDF in okular and
copy/pasted it to kate. I got a correct text in both cases.
Zdeněk Wagner
st 19. 6. 2019 v 17:57 odesílatel Boris Veytsman <borisv at> napsal:
> a> Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 14:52:06 +0300
> a> From: amakarov at
> a> Уважаемая команда texlive!
> 0. Как отметил Manfred, тут лучше говорить по-английски. Если Вы
> совсем-совсем не можете этого, лучше перейдем в частную переписку.
> 1. What do commands
> which pdftex
> which latex
> say?
> 2. Could you add to your files as the first line \listfiles, run latex
> and share the full log?
> 3. If you are not using lua, what does luainputenc package do?
> --
> Good luck
> -Boris
> Steinbach's Guideline for Systems Programming:
> Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.
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