[tex-live] TeX Live Umlauts
Mario Beeler BZRA
mario.beeler at bwz-rappi.ch
Thu Mar 22 11:05:58 CET 2018
Dear sirs and madams
Weh ad a little Problem with TeX Live 2017: When we compile the program in the attachement, the umlauts (ä, ö, ü) do not work and are displayed incorrectly. Can you tell us whats the problem with that file? With other files the umlauts work fine.
Freundliche Grüsse
BWZ Rapperswil-Jona
Mario Beeler, IT Services
Zürcherstrasse 1 und 7
Postfach 1738
8640 Rapperswil-Jona
Tel +41 58 228 20 06
Fax +41 58 228 20 19
Mail: mario.beeler at bwz-rappi.ch
Web: http://www.bwz-rappi.ch
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