[tex-live] kpsewhich case insensitive?

Daniel H. Luecking luecking at uark.edu
Thu Apr 12 22:41:47 CEST 2018

Here you go:


[C:\work]kpsewhich -all minionpro.map dvips35.map pdftex35.map ps2pk35.map


[C:\work]kpsewhich -all MinionPro.map dvips35.map pdftex35.map ps2pk35.map


Perhaps updmap does a case sensitive comparison of the kpsewhich

return value with the map line in updmap.cfg, and throws the error

without trying to get the file. The following looks like that to me

(although I know only a little about perl):


my @fullpath = `kpsewhich --format=map @maps`;
chomp @fullpath;
foreach my $map (@maps) {
  my ($ff) = grep /\/$map(\.map)?$/, @fullpath;
  if ($ff) {
    $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'fullpath'} = $ff;
  } else {
    # if the map file is not found, then push it onto the list of
    # missing map files, since we know that it is enabled
    push @missing, $map;


Daniel H. Luecking [luecking at uark.edu]
Department of Mathematical Sciences
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR, USA 72701-1201

From: Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 6:50 PM
To: Daniel H. Luecking
Cc: tex-live at tug.org
Subject: Re: [tex-live] kpsewhich case insensitive?

> [C:\work]kpsewhich minionpro.map
> c:/tl/texmf-local/fonts/map/dvips/MinionPro/MinionPro.map

This is strange, because this is the way how updmap checks for the
existence of map files.

There is one more thing to be checked: What does
  kpsewhich -all minionpro.map dvips35.map pdftex35.map ps2pk35.map
say? And the same with
  kpsewhich -all MinionPro.map dvips35.map pdftex35.map ps2pk35.map



PREINING Norbert                               https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.preining.info&d=DwIBAg&c=7ypwAowFJ8v-mw8AB-SdSueVQgSDL4HiiSaLK01W8HA&r=TC6doj34eEZMeTCOMVYeIK4ttwYpTurqDpMOi43sP18&m=nkeqAhArwk0LzhMC90mPwP31jbwEV52q75TIyc-D-qk&s=5A_ITYet-teg0ll4B2s86tbFdJ_iEfODb8Zar8CraAU&e=
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