[tex-live] Fixed compilation date in the .log file

Daniel Flipo daniel.flipo at free.fr
Thu Apr 5 21:56:57 CEST 2018

Le 05/04/2018 à 17:24, Daniel Flipo a écrit :

> I still do not understand what happened during the first build of the
> formats by the genuine TL2018-pretest installation.  It was done as an
> unprivileged user (me, not "root") and I /didn't/ change any ENV
> variables in between…

I have investigated a bit further: actually the fixed compilation time
only occurs when I run test files through the l3build system (both with
TL2017 or TL2018), not with normal files.

I guess this is done on purpose by the l3build system to avoid
differences when checking regression files.  I had never noticed this
before :-(

Sorry for the noise!
Daniel Flipo

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