[tex-live] lwarp pacakge in TeXLive?

Brian Dunn bd at bdtechconcepts.com
Mon Feb 20 07:21:14 CET 2017

> > Also, there was one LuaTex utility program (lwarpmk) which
> > needs to be made executable.  I put a note to that effect in
> > README.txt.  Is there a better place to put that reminder?  
> On Windows, files with suffix contained in PATHEXT
> cannot be written for security reason by default
> (openout_any = p).
> Thus lwarpmk must fail to create 'lateximages.cmd',
> if openout_any = p.
> In the case of openout_any = y, any file can be
> written even on Windows.

The lwarp LaTeX package is what writes lateximages.cmd, so this
would be a problem.

lwarpmk is a texlua program which should be made executable by the

It looks like the best approach would be to have the lwarp package write
a simple list into a file called lateximages.txt, then have the texlua
program lwarpmk be the one to process the list by executing the
utility programs pdfseparate, pdfcrop, and pdftocairo for each entry.
I'll try to make this change soon.


Brian Dunn
BD Tech Concepts LLC
bd at BDTechConcepts.com


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