[tex-live] Documentation for tlshell, tlcockpit
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Thu Aug 31 09:45:19 CEST 2017
Not a question of JavaFX but of a tlmgr that is not updated.
A tlmgr from tlcritical is necessary for now.
On August 31, 2017 4:42:29 PM GMT+09:00, "Hoffmann, Jobst" <J.Hoffmann at fh-aachen.de> wrote:
>Am Mittwoch, den 30.08.2017, 12:12 +0900 schrieb Norbert Preining:
>> Sorry, both of them are still in development and not ready for actual
>> consumption, but usable to a certain degree. Development is in the TL
>> repo to immediately test on different archs.
>> Both are frontends to tlmgr and will hopefully provide better gui
>> tlmgr gui win the future.
>> Tlshell is a Tcl/Tk frontend written by Siep, tlcockpit is Scala/Java
>> frontend written by me. You need Java and JavaFX installed (but not
>> Scala).
>> For both you need the tlcritical version of tlmgr for now.
>I've tried both tlshell and tlcockpit. tlshell starts up, but at the
>moment without any action, but that's ok, it's in development state.
>On the other hand I can't start tlcockpit (strace shows FUTEX_WAIT).
>Which version of Java/JavaFX is needed? I use the openjdk versions from
>Fedora 26. Which .jar-files have to be in the classpath?
>> Hope that helps
>> Norbert
>> On August 30, 2017 11:48:26 AM GMT+09:00, Victor Ivrii
><vivrii at gmail.c
>> om> wrote:
>> > For two new texlive executables tlshell and tlcockpit there seems
>> > be no documentation, even README
>> >
>Kind regards
PREINING Norbert + TeX Live & Debian Developer + http://www.preining.info
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