[tex-live] Multiple files and synctex not working

Pierre Marchand pierre.jimthefrench at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 10:47:04 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Sorry if my message does not belong here but I have no idea where to report this bug. 

I have an issue with synctex and working with multiple files. More precisely, I have a main file main.tex and three files (one for each chapter) chapter1.tex, chapter2.tex and chapter3.tex. I use "include" in main.tex to add the chapters to my pdf. I have also several figures in my first chapter, they are tikz pictures that I define in separate files (figure.tikz for example) that I put in chapter1.tex with "input".

Doing this, synctex does not work in the third chapter, but it works fine in the first and second one (I tried it on macOS 10.12.4 using texshop and Atom+Skim+latexmk). 

It seems to be a known bug : for examples, see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/t34931/texworks-synctex-works-only-partially

But the answers do not work for me. Is there someone maintaining synctex to whom I can report this bug ?

Thank you

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