[tex-live] LuaLaTeX potential problems
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Sat May 14 12:10:39 CEST 2016
Luatex was titulated beta till now, including changes to all APIs. There is nothing to complain and request. Those who used luatex have hopefully been aware of the fact that there might (and note are) incompatible changes.
That is all there to say.
Those who don't care will ship unfixed packages in TeX Live, those who care will upload fixed packages to CTAN. There is still enough time.
Last: do you really expect devs to search for all other package writers and contact them about incompatible changes in a beta product?
If yes, then you are a hopeless dreamer ;-)
On May 14, 2016 6:54:57 PM GMT+09:00, Petr Olsak <petr at olsak.net> wrote:
>On Sat, 14 May 2016, David Carlisle wrote:
>> On 14 May 2016 at 07:10, Petr Olsak <petr at olsak.net> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I did try (only coincidentally) following document
>>> \documentclass[varwidth]{standalone}
>>> \begin{document}
>>> Nazdar.
>>> \end{document}
>>> processed by LuaLaTeX. It doesn't work with new LuaTeX where
>>> primitive isn't accesible (in TeXlive pretest).
>>> There are thousands LaTeX packages and classes, they may be used in
>>> document. IMHO, there is very hight probability of problems simlilar
>>> this. I don't understand why LuaLateX doesn't load luatex85.sty by
>>> when it is generated.
>> Hi, yes as Karl pointed out on a message to this list at the start of
>> the tl2016 pretest texlive "just" distributes what is provided to
>> so this is the wrong list for package or luatex error reports.
>Hi, this is interesting idea: "TeXlive is only a collection of CTAN
>software". In such case and without more communication, it is very
>probably a software which doesn't work. I know that all authors are
>volunteers, so we cannot want more.
>>From average user point of view: a part of TeXlive (LuaLaTeX with some
>package) doesn't work but it worked in previous version of TeXlive =>
>new TeXlive is wrong. He/she don't distinguish more details (what
>what package, what author etc.).
>I was a idealist: All authors of packages were informed about luatex
>changes and there was sufficiency time to test new versions of such
>packages in TL pretest. Before the deadline when TeXlive will be frozen
>mean "frozen" in this sense: it will be propagated to Linux distros,
>it will be one year unchanged typically, or it will be saved to a DVD).
>Now, near the deadline, I did *only one accidental* test with LaTeX
>(normally I don't use LaTeX) and huh: there is a problem.
>Karl Berry informed me (as package writer) about luatex changes at Dec.
>15. I was convinced that others package writers were informed too. So
>decision in LaTeX team about concept in LuaLaTeX were done many months
>ago. And now, all these changes were comprehesively tested. IMHO,
>such communication isn't possible to distribute working TeXlive.
>> Perhaps more importantly it doesn't fix many packages where the
>> breakage is in lua code where the node library interfaces have
>> a lot.
>Yes, I know this problem:) My luafonts.tex (which is an alternative of
>luaotfload.sty) lost its functionality and I wasn't informed about it
>lua developers. It happened about 1 year ago. More communications
>developers can avoid such problems, maybe.
>Best regards
>Petr Olsak
Sent from my mobile device. Please excuse my brevity.
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