[tex-live] fc-cache documentation ?

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Tue Aug 30 07:20:48 CEST 2016

Hi Siep,

> For a single-user install everything should happen automatically, so
> no need for any provisions in tlmgr.

I don't understand. *What* should happen?

During install/update of xetex the fc-cache is run already.

Do you mean when new *fonts* are installed, then we should run

> For a multiuser install and an admin run, two actions would be
> useful:
> 1. re-running fc-cache

Ok, that can be done.

> 2. switching to per-user caches by simply appending
>    FC_CACHEDIR = $TEXMFVAR/fonts/cache
>    to the root texmf.cnf.

That needs only documentation and users should do that. There is
already the option to use
	tlmgr conf texmf FC_CACHEDIR '$TEXMFVAR/fonts/cache'
(if I remember correctly).


PREINING Norbert + TeX Live & Debian Developer + http://www.preining.info
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