[tex-live] fc-cache documentation ?
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Sun Aug 28 10:20:32 CEST 2016
Admin install on Windows and user without permissions to change, this is also possible on Windows.
On August 28, 2016 10:18:51 AM GMT+02:00, Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk> wrote:
>Norbert Preining wrote:
>> Philip,
>> Your suggestion might need administrator rights on each run, boy on
>Windows and UNIX. This is not very nice.
>Why would that be the case, Norbert ? Reading the last-modified date
>for the system fonts directory (on my Windows 7 Ultimate system, at
>least) does not require administrator rights, and all of the other
>operations (such as marking the cache invalid, re-creating the cache,
>etc) operate entirely within the TeX Live hierarchy ...
>** Phil.
>Philip Taylor
PREINING Norbert + TeX Live & Debian Developer + http://www.preining.info
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