[tex-live] xesearch (under xetex) has error loading (TeX Live (cygwin) user)
John Wong
thjwong at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 00:25:53 CET 2015
Hi all, below is my minimal sample file and I just assume the specification
at the end of file will direct the process to xetex.
What else can I do to make it work?
% \newcounter{counted}% for creating unique counted* macros
% \newcounter{words}[counted]% let words counter be reset by counted
% \makeatletter
% \newenvironment{counted}{%
% \noindent\hrulefill\par
% \stepcounter{counted}%
% \@ifundefined{counted\thecounted}{%
% \marginpar{\footnotesize\itshape?? words}%
% }{%
% \marginpar{\footnotesize\itshape\@nameuse{counted\thecounted} words}%
% }%
% % \marginpar{\footnotesize\textit{\thewords\ words}}%
% % \setcounter{words}{0}%
% \SearchList!{wordcount}{\stepcounter{words}}
% {a?,b?,c?,d?,e?,f?,g?,h?,i?,j?,k?,l?,m?,
% n?,o?,p?,q?,r?,s?,t?,u?,v?,w?,x?,y?,z?}
% \UndoBoundary{'}
% \SearchOrder{p;}}{%
% \StopSearching
% \marginpar{\raggedright\footnotesize\textit{End counting words}}
% \par\noindent\hrulefill}
% \makeatother
\section{Section 1}
% \begin{counted}
Text here
% \end{counted}
% (\thewords\ words.)
%%% Local Variables:
%%% coding: utf-8
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-engine: xetex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:
On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 10:13 PM, David Carlisle <d.p.carlisle at gmail.com>
> On 16 November 2015 at 19:59, John Wong <thjwong at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear mailing list members,
> >
> > I am a user of TeX Live (with cygwin under windows).
> >
> > The xesearch package does not load and simply \usepackage{xesearch} will
> > give me the following errors.
> >
> >
> > ERROR: Undefined control sequence.
> >
> > --- TeX said ---
> > l.91 \XeTeXinterchartoks
> > \xs at lrDel\xs at Classless={\xs at LearnLetter}
> > --- HELP ---
> > TeX encountered an unknown command name. You probably misspelled the
> > name. If this message occurs when a LaTeX command is being processed,
> > the command is probably in the wrong place---for example, the error
> > can be produced by an \item command that's not inside a list-making
> > environment. The error can also be caused by a missing \documentclass
> > command.
> >
> > When I check the source files, the line stated is obviously not truncate
> > while I am not sure what is the real reason of error.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Best,
> > John
> Are you sure you have used xetex? You would get exactly that error
> from tex, pdftex or luatex.
> David
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