[tex-live] Fwd: revtex4-1 does not include current aip4-1.rtx
Jochen Küpper
jochen.kuepper at cfel.de
Tue Nov 3 23:34:49 CET 2015
Hi Karl,
> On 03. Nov.. 2015, at 23:18, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:
> As both "support emails" (see below) bounced, I send this here פעף
> please forward as appropriate.
> I got your message on texhax. It didn't bounce.
Indeed, this was a bounce from someone subscribed to texhax, not from texhax itself. Sorry for the noise!
>> However, there are newer versions of that file, which declare new
>> journals. E.g., ftp://ftp.aip.org/revtex/revtex4-1.zip contains
>> the journal "sd".
> It is not practical for me to update TL from anywhere but CTAN. The
> revtex people need to update CTAN when they update the package. Can you
> (or someone) tell them? I am not in contact with them.
> Their not changing the version and date strings in the new version seems
> undesirable, but is unrelated to the lack of updating in TL. That is
> purely because CTAN has not been updated.
Okay, so you are not so much worried about "stealth upgrades" (no version number/date bump), you simply want them to submit it to CTAN – correct?
I assume the problem is that AIP creates these updates, while APS is the formal maintainer and owner of revtex...
I'll try.
Btw., thank you all very much for decades of supporting and improving xyz-TeX, it's come along way from (for me) LaTeX-2.09 to modern TeX Live – and I always enjoyed it and could *always rely on it*!
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