[tex-live] Font features linked with fontspec-preparse-external apparently broken in fontspec
Akira Kakuto
kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Wed Oct 15 01:21:41 CEST 2014
Dear Bruno Voisin,
> The following issue comes from the Lucida list, in relation to the creation of .
> fontspec config files for loading the fonts by file name without having to
> tediously specify each time the file names of the bold, italic and bold italic fonts.
Maybe a solution is:
Roman text.\par
\textbf{Bold text}\par
\textit{Italic text.}\par
\textbf{\textit{Bold italic text.}}
If you use a font name, it is simpler:
\setmainfont[Color=Blue]{TeX Gyre Adventor}
Roman text.\par
\textbf{Bold text}\par
\textit{Italic text.}\par
\textbf{\textit{Bold italic text.}}
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